Компютърно обучение за хора със специфични нарушения на способността за учене
Teaching ICT for People with Specific Learning Disorders (TI4PES) is a strategic partnership project for vocational education and training.
Our aim is to improve the quality of services offered by the involved VET institutions to individuals with special learning disorder (SpLD) to encourage and facilitate their access to the world of work. We also aim to increase knowledge on the SpLD issue, to improve the relational skills of trainers towards trainees with disorders and to assist in the planning phase of interventions aimed at people with disorders. This project aims to ensure uniformity with respect to the professional training of the disadvantaged in order to guarantee equal opportunity to all those suffering of SpLD within the European community.
According to the current legislation on disability of the EU member states, this project aims to reduce the barriers to the labor market the and social environments frequently encountered by people with disorders. By increasing their degree of autonomy the project aims to reduce the gap between citizens with and citizens without learning disabilities.